Wednesday, September 11, 2013


collar ( for a.g.)

to lead her, like a perversion, through the collar-strapped progression of minutes, and hours and days. enter her mind and Svengali-fashion, dominate each syncretic thought, each captious mood. 

if it were not hurtling at the pace of a comet towards the Shangri-La of intimacy, desire and prurient deliverance, it would be easier to hook one's finger in the metallic ring on the device and meld her existence to my baser needs.

as it stands, it is not and now will never be. it is too serendipitous, too laced with affection, too drawn and affixed to her obvious beauty, to be anything but that obvious and classic non-emotion.

...and now one does not even need a reason to explain to her why. one does not even need to use the crutch of anything but words. what one needs, lies in the dark-ember encased chambers of her eyes. 

just her eyes...

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