Friday, January 30, 2009

She might as well have quoted Faiz:

और भी दुःख हैं ज़माने में मुहब्बत के सिवा
राहतें और भी हैं वस्ल की राहत के सिवा
मुझ से पहली सी मुहब्बत मेरे महबूब न मांग

But she did not. The disdainful laughter was as much of a cursory dismissive tool as a sensitive piece of poetry.

And he was left bewildered and wondering, one moment sure and another doubtful of what that meant; anxious if he had come through as presumptuous – again.

So sure, at the end of it all, that our past dissembles our sincerity in the foetal sac of the impression of the other, in their collective perception – which is all that they have and have nurtured in any case. And Hope is all that takes birth. All that continues to float.

“ I wish someone would fall in love with me…” he manages to susurrate before shutdown।


Shab-e-firaq beete to kuchh raahat mile
Vasl-e-yaar ho to kuchh raahat mile!
Rahat Fateh Ali :P?!
Right you are!!! But since I said kuchh, you'll have to think of a few other Rahats!
Waise bhi there's nothing logical about `pehli si mohabbat'. If Faiz met my man, he'd have him know that you can only create `new memories', may be better memories but never the same kind of love. Its a dynamic thing, keeps evolving...nahi?
You say 'kuch' and then post the same comment thrice! Do agree about not being able to duplicate the same love - that's what I've learnt at least :)
That was by mistake. Wanted to delete the extra ones, but didn't know technologically-challenged!
To me, the idea of ever-changing love seems very exciting and as it should be...then, you can fall in love with the same person again and again!
How boring :P! each his own! Whats boring - me or the idea of falling in love with the same person over and over again?
The idea of course Anon, what a thing to say.
Umm...I take it as a compliment, then! (I know I am almost snatching it! But what the heck, its not everyday a poet such as you says something nice to one, even if indirectly!!)
As for the idea, well, you never know. Life is so unpredictable!
That it is. And you deserve better compliments from more accomplished poets surely Anon - why the proclivity for being an underachiever :)
How do you know what I deserve? Are you God? Anyway, its not about what we deserve or who is better, but what or who gives us joy, without even trying. As simple as that. Why the proclivity to complicate things?!
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